Romantic Geek Girl

Danielle Monsch takes you through the softer side of geek

SWAG Giveaway!



RT SWAG Giveaway!!!

Okay, maybe most of the swag comes from me and only a little from RT! Honestly, in previous years I’ve gotten so much more, but that was before I went to the Romantic Times Convention as an author and actually had to work!

Still, I hope this is nifty enough it will give someone a thrill. From me, we have a gargoyle tote bag, notebooks with the various book covers (both currently out and future books) a mousepad, and a Fallon(!) coffee mug, and I will be including the audio version of Stone Guardian to celebrate Audiobook month!

From RT, I have the RT Convention bag, some pens, a couple glasses, some paper promo, and a few other things I’m forgetting.

From New Orleans, I’m including a dragon picture I picked up from a local shop. All things considered, I thought it was appropriate for a giveaway from me

To enter, you’ll have to either like me on my facebook author page or follow me on twitter, or both – that’s it, no other craziness required. Sorry guys, but USA only. Shipping would make me cry otherwise.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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7 thoughts on “SWAG Giveaway!

  1. I am disappointed about one thing. I thought the notebooks were review copies of your books. I was practically panting with excitement. I love the picture of Fallon and Tenro.

  2. francesca on said:

    Aww “pouts” no Canadians, even thought I didn’t see it was just for the US. Oh well.

    I really want to read “Cage King”

  3. Raynell on said:

    Thank you Danielle..

  4. Linda Townsend on said:

    Oh my! I WANT!!!!!

  5. Tess Black on said:

    *crosses fingers* This is an awesome giveaway!

  6. Patricia Denke on said:


  7. Sue Reed on said:

    I just have to say “woo-boo” i was a lucky recipient of a box of swag and it was pretty darn awesome! What a wonderful surprise, it was like Christmas morning. Of course I had to share the wealth (after I picked out my faves first of course). But what a treat. Keep those books coming, I LOVE them all.

    Thank you so, so much. I love it all.

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