Romantic Geek Girl

Danielle Monsch takes you through the softer side of geek

Archive for the tag “Movie”

The Hobbit World Premiere announced!

If you are like me, you are waiting for this movie with bated breath and knuckles white.

Should that be the case and you have a few thousand dollars to spare and nothing else going on at the end of November, you might think about attending the world premiere!

It’s been announced today the world premiere will take place November 28th at the Embassy Theatre in Wellington in New Zealand. While not a definite, Peter Jackson has said he is trying to get the entire cast of both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

Tell you what peoples, if by some miracle I land a big book contract in the next few months, you’ll know where to find me at the end of November.

Of course, if I don’t, I’ll be watching The Hobbit on December 14 with the rest of you.


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